Monday, March 23, 2009

Keep a Secret

Can you keep a secret
and tell not a soul,
can I tell you something
and tell no one I told?
Can you keep silent
and smile as if you know nothing,
can you look a person in the eye
and not end up laughing?
Can you go about normally
as if you weren't hiding a fact,
can you meet many people
without being a sneaky old rat?
Can you zipper your mouth close
and not give up when you're in a pickle
can you remain true and promise
to be who you are, simple?
Can you hear what I have to say
and have it go back out the other,
can you forget what I told you once
and not repeat it any further?
Can you keep my secret
and store it in your mind,
throw away the key
so it won't be easy to find?

Cross my heart, hope to die. Stick a finger in my eye.

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